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Origins And Usage


Lock Him Up: Political Slogan or Call to Violence?

Origins and Usage

The phrase "Lock him up" gained prominence during the 2016 U.S. presidential election as a rallying cry against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. It was often chanted at Donald Trump's rallies and became a symbol of his supporters' anger and frustration. The slogan has since been used in a variety of contexts, including protests, political speeches, and social media posts.

Legal Implications

While the phrase "Lock him up" may be seen as an expression of political discontent, it raises concerns about potential incitement to violence. Some legal experts have argued that using the slogan could create a climate of fear and intimidation, leading to violence against political opponents. Others maintain that the phrase is protected by the First Amendment's right to free speech and should not be criminalized.


The debate over the acceptability and legality of the "Lock him up" slogan highlights the increasingly polarized political landscape in the United States. It also raises important questions about the limits of free speech and the potential consequences of political rhetoric that promotes violence. As the nation grapples with these issues, it is crucial to engage in civil discourse and reject any attempts to silence or intimidate opponents through threats of violence.

